Innovative Therapy Approach: TMS+ Conscious Sedation

We offer our own innovation: a combo treatment of TMS (or tDCS) combined with an infusion of ketamine.

Our partner organizations offer the new gold standard intervention for patients who have not recovered from any other treatment, via the synergistic effect of infused ketamine along with brain stimulation. This treatment is safe and easily tolerated.

It appears that by pacing or controlling certain abnormal brain circuits (in the frontal-thalamo-temporal region) with neuromodulation, ketamine’s effects are heightened. Ketamine was found to heighten the efficacy of TMS or tDCs. The innovation was in finding a non-surgical intervention for treatment resistance.

‍T outcomes are startling.

Patients who tried ECT, spinal cord stimulators, VNS, many kinds of medications, and rTMS/tDCS alone, without adequate relief, are now able to respond to treatment and maintain their well-being on non-destructive doses of medication.

Combo Treatment Advantages:

  • Fewer/less frequent TMS sessions than would be needed on its own
  • Less ketamine than would be needed on its own
  • Better effect than either on its own
  • Fewer treatments
  • Faster relief

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Conditions That Often Cause Treatment-Resistant Depression

Other conditions can be factors for why traditional treatment such as talk therapy isn't working for depression. Because of this, the correct diagnosis of the underlying cause is often the only way to resolve the long term depression. Allow yourself to have some hope!  Common causes are treatable, and with common-sense treatment, your mood can improve on a long-term basis.

  • Autoimmune Illness

  • Hormonal Inbalances

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Endocrine dysfunction

  • Endocrine dysfunction

  • Tick-borne, spider-and insect-borne illnesses

  • Epilepsy and other conditions associated with abnormal EEG

  • H. pylori, toxoplasmosis, Herpesviridae, parasitic infestation

  • Adverse effects of medications

  • Pharmacogenomic and pharmacodynamic adversities

  • Inadequate plasticity

  • Learning disability or giftedness

  • Environmental poisoning

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